
Showing posts from July, 2015

Six Reasons to Update Your Business Plan

Business plans are living documents. Make sure that they evolve with your company and reflect the business you’re running by revising when your company meets these six milestones. You want to refinance or fundraise. Investors and lenders want to know about your current challenges and have the most up-to-date look at the costs and opportunities you’re forecasting. You launch a new product or service. A new revenue stream will impact how you manage your resources – and can impact profitability. Let partners and investors in on your vision to get their buy-in and help with execution. You expand into new markets. How you allocate your time and resources will change dramatically as you expand into different cities and countries. An updated plan can help you set realistic goals and communicate those to you team. Your competitors have changed. Half the battle of running a successful business is staying aware of what the others in your industry are doing. If your major competitor p

You Deserve to Be a Millionaire. Follow These 12 Tips to Get There

I started with nothing and have been blessed with enough focus, commitment, follow through and the ability to not make excuses that I have done extremely well in my life. This principles work. 1. It's never been easier. It has never been easier, so don’t make it so difficult. There is so much money in the world today and so many ways to get yourself known. The first thing you have to know is that it’s out there and it’s not that hard. In fact, everyone will be a millionaire in their lifetime: $50,000 per year times 20 years equals $1 million. 2. Saving won’t do. The old ideas of saving every penny is not the way today. You can’t simply save your way to the first million without becoming old, at which point the money probably won’t matter to you. 3. Live below your means. Live below the money you are making. Not because you are depriving yourself, but because you are seeking to bank millions. No one has ever done business with me because of the suit I wear, t