
Showing posts from 2015

Six Reasons to Update Your Business Plan

Business plans are living documents. Make sure that they evolve with your company and reflect the business you’re running by revising when your company meets these six milestones. You want to refinance or fundraise. Investors and lenders want to know about your current challenges and have the most up-to-date look at the costs and opportunities you’re forecasting. You launch a new product or service. A new revenue stream will impact how you manage your resources – and can impact profitability. Let partners and investors in on your vision to get their buy-in and help with execution. You expand into new markets. How you allocate your time and resources will change dramatically as you expand into different cities and countries. An updated plan can help you set realistic goals and communicate those to you team. Your competitors have changed. Half the battle of running a successful business is staying aware of what the others in your industry are doing. If your major competitor p

You Deserve to Be a Millionaire. Follow These 12 Tips to Get There

I started with nothing and have been blessed with enough focus, commitment, follow through and the ability to not make excuses that I have done extremely well in my life. This principles work. 1. It's never been easier. It has never been easier, so don’t make it so difficult. There is so much money in the world today and so many ways to get yourself known. The first thing you have to know is that it’s out there and it’s not that hard. In fact, everyone will be a millionaire in their lifetime: $50,000 per year times 20 years equals $1 million. 2. Saving won’t do. The old ideas of saving every penny is not the way today. You can’t simply save your way to the first million without becoming old, at which point the money probably won’t matter to you. 3. Live below your means. Live below the money you are making. Not because you are depriving yourself, but because you are seeking to bank millions. No one has ever done business with me because of the suit I wear, t

High heels can damage your feet

Chris Delpierre, a podiatrist at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa in Cape Town, gives the low-down on high heels and our health. High heels may look good but they can cause problems for your feet, ankles, legs, hips and back. Feet and Ankle Problems When you wear heels, the centre of gravity shifts forwards to the ball of the foot. The higher the heel, the more pressure it gives the foot. This can cause relatively simple problems, like calluses or corns, as well as more serious conditions. These may include forefoot deformities, like bunions, and nerve conditions, like neuromas. The narrower toe box and tendency of the foot to slide forwards in heels can cause blisters and corns. With the foot in a downward position, calf muscles are shortened, causing a shortening of the Achilles tendon. The muscles can then become tighter causing pain or injury when barefoot or in flat shoes. Leg and Hip Problems The dropped foot position and the increased pressure can c

10 Ways to Keep Your Vagina Clean & Healthy

All women should be concerned about their vaginal health. A healthy vagina is naturally acidic and contains rich quantities of beneficial bacteria that help fend off infections and maintain a normal pH level. A healthy vagina will also secrete small amounts of discharge to keep itself clean, much as saliva is produced to help cleanse your mouth. Any interference with these normal conditions, and you may face vaginal irritation or infection. Here’s how to keep your vagina healthy. 1. Use Condom. You know that rubbers are great at protecting against STDs and pregnancy, but a study  suggests that using condoms helps keep your vagina’s pH level at the status quo so good bacteria, like lactobacilli, can survive in there. And this is super important since those little bacteria help prevent yeast infections, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis. Just in case you needed another reason to wrap things up. 2. Wear Cotton Underwear. When it comes to your underwear selection, your vagina has a preference

15 Ways Guys Say 'I LOVE YOU' Without Saying It By Samantha Escobar

From where we stop last week about about how our men communicate love to us without saying it. Let hear what Samantha got to say.... 9. He Sticks Around Does he like to do activities together for no reason? For example, rather than just wanting to meet up at a dinner party, he'd rather go grocery shopping with you beforehand so the two of you can make a dish to bring together. Simply doing household things shows an interest in being closer than just casual daters or sex partners. 10. Eye Contact Often When you're at a bar with friends, does he glance across the room just to make eye contact briefly and smile at one another? This indicates how, even when you two are doing different things, he still wants you to be aware of how much he cares. 11. Hair Ruffling When people are nervous, they tend to run their fingers through their hair more often than normal. Does he do this when the pair of you are in close proximity to one another and it’s a romantic mome


This is why I’m flabbergasted that President Jonathan is allowing some rascals to mislead and drive him down that same evil alley. A man who was rescued and raised up by God should never play God.   Fellow Nigerians, please I have no intention of scaring anyone today but to paint a realistic scenario of what may likely happen soon. Experience has taught me not to dismiss anything as mere rumour these days. I vividly recollect the damage even unfounded rumour can cause in a country so prone to malicious gossips as Nigeria. Permit me to take you down memory lane especially those who were yet to be born, or old enough to experience first-hand certain events, in1989 that culminated in what was dubbed the SAP Riots. It so happened that an evil genius somewhere had released a bazooka of a rumour about General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida and his family. The tale-bearer had mentioned that there was a story in Ebony, an American magazine, which purportedly listed the stupendous wea

Cheaters zone! 10 Super Bizarre Facts You Ought to Know About Adultery

  Hair color? Deep Voices? Facebook? See what else is leading to adultery, according to science. Size does matter … just not the size of what you think. A study claims that women are more likely to cheat on their man if he has big balls. (Yep, you read that right.)  Researchers  from the University of Oslo studied primates—bonobos, specifically—and they found that a female is more likely to have other sexual  relationships  if their mate has large testicles. And it doesn't stop with monkeys. "In one type of grasshopper, the testicles occupy half their body mass. The testicles are even larger in sea urchins. They spawn directly into the ocean. To increase the chance of fertilizing an egg, the sea urchin is a huge testicle with a little shell around it." The testicles of humans are one and a half times larger than those of gorillas, the team said. They claim this shows that we are an unfaithful race by nature. Personally, I'd like to know why they decid

Mercy Johnson still Rocking Her Figure 8

Mercy Johnson  is still rocking her Figure Eight even after giving birth to her first Son, Henry of recent. The actress rocked a very beautiful grey gown and of course her wedding ring. So mum out there always remember to still look sexy for your hobby OK.

The Beard Woman who Finds Inner Confidence Of Her Look After Almost Attempting Suicide.

Harnaam Kaur , a 24yr old woman who resides in Berkshire UK has come out to say that she loves her look (beards) after doctors said she is suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Facial hair growth in the feminine gender). Harnaam also said she would never try to get rid of it again. She reveals that she has been growing the beard since she was 11 years of age and she had to endure the hardship of Bullying and people making fun of her. She even said she once tried to commit suicide. She tried to wax, bleach and shave the hair which also grows on her chest and arms but decided to stop the removal after she was baptized as a Sikh (a religion that forbids removal of body hair) She has now spoken on her inner-discovered confidence. At an appearance on This Morning, Harnaam said: “At the end of the day, I love myself and the way that I’m formed. Going through primary and secondary school with the facial hair, kids can be nasty. It led me to self harm and wanting to tak

Micheal Oyejide: The man who raped his girlfriend to death

One Michael Oyejide, who resides at Ijeja, in Abeokuta has been arrested and locked up in jail for allegedly raping to death his 18-year-old girlfriend. The 24 year old was found guilty after facing three counts of conspiracy, rape and murder, today in an Abeokuta Magistrates’ Court. The Magistrate, Mr Martins Akinyemi, ordered that the accused be remanded in prison pending legal advice from the state Director of Public Prosecution. The Prosecutor, Cpl. Moshood Hammed, told the court that the accused and one other at large, committed the offence on January 8 at about 11:41p.m. at Ijeja in Abeokuta.Hammed said the accused and his accomplice had raped the girl after a party to celebrate his birthday. Hammed said, “At about 8.00p.m., Oyejide, aka MI, celebrated his birthday at Adigbe and some ladies were invited. “Later in the night, the accused and one other got the victim, who is also a friend drunk. The accused and his friend took the victim to his house at Ijeja and they ra

Four promises Buhari made to Nigerian women yesterday..

Muhammadu Buhari, the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, among other things promised to end discrimination against women in all sectors in the county, if he is elected in the March 28 election. According to Buhari, Nigeria women would enjoy equality and equity, especially in employment, education, housing and entrepreneurship. Buhari made the promises on Thursday, March 19, at a Town Hall meeting with Nigerian women in Lagos. Below are 4 key pledges the former Head of state made: 1.  “My administration will have zero tolerance for violence against women and girls. “We will provide women with greater legal protection from all forms of violence and sexual harassment and there will be commitment to the implementation of all existing legislation on violence against women.” 2.  “We will include gender as a component of the federal character and we will make a concerted effort to empower women in rural areas, who constitute the majority of Ni

I Love You: 15 Ways Guys Say It Without Saying It By Samantha Escobar

Has your guy been fairly silent in the 4-letter-word department, and you're trying to figure out other ways to tell if he loves you? Sometimes, this can be hard; not everybody is vocal or obvious about their feelings, and many may feel it is difficult to voice those deeper emotions whether it's for fear of rejection, commitment or simply never having said "I Love You" before. Here are some subtle, silent ways to tell if he's thinking it. 1. Passionate, Long-Lasting Kisses Who doesn't love an excellent, lengthy kiss? When he's continuously initiating these and you can feel the  passion  each time he does, it is clear that he's more than just a little excited to be around you. 2. His Friends Love You If all his buddies are starting to warm up to you and truly seem to enjoy your company, it could be because they know how happy you're making their friend — thus making them start to find you as awesome as he does. 3. Close Personal Di

Accidental death: Divorced people at higher risk

Divorced people are more likely to die from preventable accidents than their married counterparts, according to a new study.   Divorced people are more likely to die from preventable accidents than their married counterparts, according to a new study from sociologists at Rice University and the University of Pennsylvania. The study also found that single people and those with low educational attainment are at greater risk for accidental death. The study, "The Social Side of Accidental Death", examines the links among social relationships, socio-economic status and how long and well people live. The authors found that divorced people are more than twice as likely as married people to die from what the World Health Organisation (WHO) cites as the most-preventable causes of accidental death (fire, poisoning and smoke inhalation) and equally likely to die from the least-preventable causes of accidental death (air and water transportation mishaps). In addition, compared

Schooling: when one size doesn't fit all

If you feel that your child isn't coping in mainstream schooling, it may be time to start considering alternate options that could provide a better learning environment. Schooling should be a fairly simple affair: take child to school near home or work.  The reality is so far from this, it can be a nightmare, especially when the consideration comes in on the type of schooling, which is generally broken down into three categories: mainstream, remedial and special needs. Doing what is best for the child When those are your options, the decision is as clear as mud (and yes, even children with special needs may be accommodated in a mainstream school). It all boils down to that catchy phrase of whatever is “in the best interest of the child”. The truth is: doing what is best for the child ultimately would mean finding an environment that suits  that specific child , not an environment designed to fit the average child. If your child is one who enjoys their school, this arti